Year Two of the Natura 2000 Promotion Camp

In tabara Following the success of last year’s camp near Jibert, Milvus Group held another camp this summer, between the 9th and 14th of July, for children interested in nature and conservation. This time the participants were selected from the “I also take part in Natura 2000” contest. From the 500 registered participants, 21 pupils from 4 schools finally were chosen and given the opportunity to expand their theoretical knowledge in the practical environment of the camp. Over the week we looked to enrich the children’s knowledge about nature and nature conservation and present the values and the importance of Natura 2000 sites. (more…)

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The contest “I also take part in Natura 2000” has ended

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA In November 2012, Milvus Group launched the “I also take part in Natura 2000” contest, for which more than 500 pupils registered. A total of 309 pupils from 16 school succeeded in finishing the first two stages of the contest. Pupils from schools in the Natura 2000 protected area of Hârtibaciu, Târnava Mare, had to solve two complex tests with questions about protected species from their locality, concepts of nature conservation, local traditions, folk customs, agricultural methods for nature conservation and Natura 2000. (more…)

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Old issue, new cases – protected birds were poisoned again

Fakó rétihéja
Pallid Harrier
Poisoned birds have again been found by Milvus Group employees near Salonta, Bihor County. Our environment gets poorer with every killed bird, especially with endangered, rare species such as these. Previously an Eastern Imperial Eagle was found poisoned, and recently a Pallid Harrier, a very rare bird that only passes through Romania in migration, was found. Legal investigations have started, and we hope that this time the authorities will act and finally someone will take responsibility for the poisoning that has troubled our country for so long and that this excessive raptor killing will be stopped. (more…)

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Ruddy Shelduck observed at Cipău fishpond

On the 19th of March 2013 members of Milvus Group observed an adult female Ruddy Shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea) on the Cipău fishponds. During the following days other members of the group could observe the bird and also some pictures were taken. The Ruddy Shelduck is a rare species in the Transylvanian Plateau, and also in the CarpathianBasin. There are 2 recent and 3 historical data from the Transylvanian Plateau, while there are less than 50 data from the whole area of the CarpathianBasin. (more…)

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Mounting artificial nests and searching for new Lesser Spotted Eagle nests

nest2artificial nestWhile all Lesser Spotted Eagles started their spring migration in Africa, Milvus Group has started their seasonal conservation activities in Romania for the eagles arriving back home. One of the most important activities is searching for new eagle nests. While there are no leaves on the trees it is easier to find the nest of raptors. Until now we visited 12 forests in 9 days in the Natura 2000 sites from Valea Nirajului and Podișul Hârtibaciului. (more…)

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Read more about the article Experience change in the Bulgarian Rehabilitation Centre
Vizitatorii și gazdele (de la stânga spre dreapta) Zeitz Róbert, Benkő Attila, Borka-Vitális Levente, Oláh-Gál Gyopár, Szilágyi Csongor, Mezey Zsófia, Hegyeli Zsolt Komáromi Réka, Elena Kmetova, Ivaylo Klisurov

Experience change in the Bulgarian Rehabilitation Centre

Milvus Group has started treating injured and seized birds several years ago with the aim to rehabilitate and release them back into nature. We receive more and more birds from…

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Midwinter Waterbird Census – 2013

This year “Milvus Group” Bird and Nature Protection Association, together with the Romanian Ornithological Society (SOR) organized again the annual census of wintering waterfowl (Midwinter Waterbird Census) in Romania. The main period of observations was between the 10th and 20th of January, but because of a broader survey organized this winter, the last observation day was the 1st of February. The International Waterbird Census is coordinated by Wetlands International and it is organized every year in most countries of the world. (more…)

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The 5th trimonthly report of the Milvus Rehabilitation Center (October-December 2012)

The number of birds arrived in the Rehabilitation Centre decreased between October-December compared to the previous period. Fortunately this year we didn’t have to confront the usual high number of weakened birds from early winter as we expected, as the temperatures were low and the snow cover was thick. Although the number of persons who contacted us was significant (33), relatively few birds, only 11 individuals were transported to us. Other 12 birds were treated directly through telephone advices. (more…)

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The fourth wintering Long-eared Owl census (2012-2013)

The wintering Long-eared Owl (Asio otus) census continues also this year! The importance of this programme lies in the finding of many more wintering roosts to discover the most important places for the wintering owls. While in 2009, in the beginning of the programme we knew 20 wintering roosts, at the moment we know 51 of them! This programme is also important (more…)

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