Ongoing projects

Bearded Vulture LIFE

This international project aims to reintroduce the Bearded Vulture (Gypaetus barbatus) to Bulgaria and the Balkan Peninsula. The Milvus Group’s role in the project is to locate, manage and release vultures that have wandered into Romania, weakened or injured. 

Funded by: LIFE program of the European Union
Duration:  10.2023 – 07.2030
Partners:  “Green Balkans – Stara Zagora”, Fund for Wild Flora and FaunaFoundation EkoObshtnostEVN – Elektropradelenie Yug EADSeverozapadno Darzhavno Predpriyatie – Vratsa“Sinite kamani” Nature Park Directorate, Vulture Conservation Foundation 

Improving Agri-Environmental Policies through Participatory Research and Civic Engagement

Our project aims at protecting the natural and semi-natural grasslands typical to the geographical regions of Romania, which are often home to great natural values.

Funded by: Active Citizens Fund Programme (@acfromania), funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through EEA Grants 2014-2021.
Duration:  15.01.2021 – 14.01.2024
Partners: Transylvanian Carpathia Society – Satu-Mare

The project Game over? Don’t let climate change the game! is based on an international partnership, aim to draw attention to the problems of global warming.

Funded by: Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme
Length: 4 years (date of launch: november 2019)

ROHU-14 – The Nature Corner: Natural Treasures in the Corners of Two Countries

Our project aims at increasing the conservation status of the local natural heritage, and promoting natural assets in an integrated way. Cooperation between municipalities (Salonta, Romania and Békés, Hungary) and non-governmental organizations (Milvus Transylvania Vest, Romania and Körösök Völgye Natúrpark, Hungary) is the foundation of the project, and we focus on: nature conservation, tourism, education, and raising awareness.

Duration: 54 months (date of launch: 1 March 2018)

Management Plans for ROSCI 0210, ROSCI 0367, ROSCI 0368, ROSCI 0369 Natura 2000 Protected Areas, SMIS 117254

„Milvus Group” Association, in partnership with ProPark – Foundation for Protected Areas, is launching a large-scale project for the elaboration of management plans for several Natura 2000 protected areas along the course of the river Mureș within Mureș county: ROSCI0210 Lechința Ravine, ROSCI0367 River Mureș between Morești and Ogra, ROSCI0369 River Mureș between Iernuțeni and Periș, ROSCI0368 River Mureș between Deda and Reghin.

Completed projects


European society faces many challenges, not the least in the face of climate change and the corresponding increasing intensity and occurrence of extreme weather events. To conserve biodiversity and the wellbeing of human society, we need to explore nature-based solutions for these challenges.

Financed by: Erasmus+ Program Key Action 2: Strategic Partnerships
Duration: 01.11.2020 – 30.06.2023.

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Financed by: Fundația pentru Parteneriat și MOL România.
Period: 5 months
Partners: Societatea Carpatină Ardeleană Satu Mare

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Financed by: Fundația pentru Parteneriat Miercurea Ciuc și MOL România
Project period: May 2018 – September 2018

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Financed by: Bears in Mind
Project period: February 2018 – February 2019

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The LEHUA – Learning Humanity from Animals project (Erasmus + 2016-3-HU01-KA205-002032) aims to develop a self-development learning module through in-depth knowledge of nature and animals.

Financed by: Erasmus+ Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for youth
Project period: February 2017 – January 2019
Partners: Rogers Személyközpontú Oktatásért Alapítvány (HU) coordinator
Grădina Zoologică din Budapesta (HU)
TANDEM n.o., (SK)

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TRANSGREEN aims to contribute to safer and environmentally-friendly road and rail networks in mountainous regions of the Danube Basin with a special focus on the Carpathian Mountains. It will do so by improving planning frameworks and developing concrete environmentally-friendly and safe road and rail transport solutions taking into account elements of Green Infrastructure, in particular ecological corridors.

Project period: January 2017 – June 2019

More information here and on the project’s website


Financed by: EuroNatur
Project period: March 2016December 2016

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In frame of this project, we assess and map 91 thousand hectares of Natura 2000 areas along the rivers Niraj and Tarnava Mica in Romania. The goal of the project is to quantify the most important ecosystem services with the involvement of the local people so that their views can be accurately taken into consideration in the decision-making process. We also involve locals to qualify ecosystem services and to understand their contribution to the main economic sectors, like agriculture, forestry, tourism, fishing and hunting. To understand the local context and the region’s most important features we elaborate an extensive policy study as well as metrics to selected services based on the knowledge of the locals and we draw up long-term future scenarios. Based on all of the results, we provide recommendations for the local and regional land use policies, which can help to make adequate decisions.

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Project period: 2015-2016
Funded by SEE 2009 – 2014 grants, through the NGO Fund in Romania.

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Financed by: Alertis
Project period: January 2015January 2016

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The aim of the project ˮConservation of the European Roller in the Carpathian Basin (LIFE13/NAT/HU/000081)ˮ is to strengthen the European Roller population of the Carpathian Basin and to ensure the long term conservation status of the species in the area.

The consortium leader and coordinating beneficiary of the project is BirdLife Hungary in partnership with ˮMilvus Group” Bird and Nature Protection Association (Romania), Environment Protection Agency of Satu Mare County(Romania), Bükk National Park Directorate (Hungary), Kiskunsági National Park Directorate (Hungary) and Dalerd Délalföldi Forestry Close Corporation Ltd. (Hungary).

For more information please visit the project’s website

This project aims to reinforce the on-going efforts to strengthen the European core populations of Aquila heliaca and Falco cherrug, globally threatened species on Annex I of the Birds Directive also identified as priority species for LIFE-Nature projects.

Project period: July 2014 – December 2018

Read more on the project’s website


Improved economic viability of local livelihoods from HNV farmlands in Romania and conservation of agri-environmental benefits.

Funded by: the Swiss-Romanian Cooperation Programme
Project Duration: 2013 – 2016 (3 years)

Read more here (RO) or on the ADEPT website


Project period: June 2013 – December 2015
Financed by the Environmental Operational Program – EAP Environment through the European Regional Development Fund

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During July 2011 Milvus Group signed a new funding contract with the Environmental Fund Administration ( in financing the project entitled “Ecological education for a sustainable future”. In august we organized our “traditional” camp for children and young people in Rigmani village (Neaua community, Mureș county).

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This project aims to reinforce the on-going efforts to strengthen the European core populations of Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug), a globally threatened species on Annex I of the Birds Directive also identified as priority species for LIFE-Nature projects. The total European breeding population was estimated to 450 pairs. Currently, Hungary and Slovakia hold about 47% of the total European population.

Project period: October 2010 – December 2014

Read more on the project’s website

The main objective of the project was to achieve and maintain a favourable conservation status for the Romanian population of A. pomarina.

Project period: 2010 / 2013
Publications: Lesser Spotted Eagle Friendly Habitat Management Guidelines



Project period: October 2007 – October 2008
Financed by: Environmental Fund Administration (

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This project aims to reinforce the on-going efforts to strengthen the populations of Falco vespertinus, a threatened species on Annex I of the Birds Directive also identified as priority species in Hungary and Romania .

Projact period: 2006 – 2009
Publications: Conservation of Red-footed Falcon (Falco vespertinus) in the Pannonian Region – 2006 – 2009

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The aim of the project is the conservation of habitats and bird species of great value of the Niraj Valley by designating it as part of the Natura 2000 network based on the Bird Directive

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With the financial support of the Carpathian Eco-Region Initiative (CERI), the “Milvus Group” Bird and Nature Protection Association initiated a one-year project for the assessment of the possibilities to use the Lesser Spotted Eagle as key species in the nature conservation of the region.

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The program named “The Red-footed Falcon has to be saved!” was designed to face the factors threatening the species, and to safeguard the future of this beautiful and rare raptor in the Western Plains of Romania. The first year of this project was financed by the Romanian Environmental Partnership Foundation; one of our most important supporting pillars for raptor conservation in Romania.

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Project period: May 2020– June 2024
Coordinator: Foundation Conservation Carpathia 
Project: Creation of a Wilderness Reserve in the Southern Carpathian Mountains, Romania (LIFE18 NAT/RO/001082)

Project period: May 2020– December 2022
Coordinator: Foundation Conservation Carpathia 
Project: Creation of a Wilderness Reserve in the Southern Carpathian Mountains, Romania (LIFE18 NAT/RO/001082)



Coordinator: International Investment Bank
Project period: June 2017 – September 2018


Project period: May 2015 – December 2017
Coordinator: Foundation Conservation Carpathia 
Project: LIFE11/NAT/RO/823 “Ecological restoration of forest and aquatic habitats in the upper Dâmbovița Valley, Făgăraș Mountains”




Project period: 2006 – 2007
Coordinator:  Retezat National Park Administration
Project: Life Nature project – Conservative management of alpine habitats in the Retezat National Park