Milvus scholarship 2015

“Milvus Group” Bird and Nature Protection Association is launching the Milvus scholarship dedicated for student researchers interested in biology, ecology or nature conservation for year 2015-2016 Our main objective is…

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Conservation of the European Roller (Coracias garrulus) in the Carpathian Basin (LIFE13/NAT/HU/000081)

angol logoThe aim of the project ˮConservation of the European Roller in the Carpathian Basin” (LIFE13/NAT/HU/000081) is to strengthen the European Roller population of the Carpathian Basin and to ensure the long term conservation status of the species in the area. (more…)

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In February, Milvus Group have been started the project “Building BlueGreen infrastructure in Central-Eastern Europe: from pilot projects to regional action”

The project is co-financed by Michael Otto Stiftung. In 2014 the local water management authority plans to execute a project to increase flood security along the lower parts of the…

Continue ReadingIn February, Milvus Group have been started the project “Building BlueGreen infrastructure in Central-Eastern Europe: from pilot projects to regional action”
Read more about the article The sad ending of a White-tailed Eagle from Poland
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The sad ending of a White-tailed Eagle from Poland

The White-tailed Eagle as a chick
The White-tailed Eagle as a chick (Photo: Eagle Conservation Committee)
Last year in the middle of December Paweł Mirski contacted us from the polish Eagle Conservation Committee (Komitet Ochrony Orłów). He asked us to search a White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) which was tagged with a satellite transmitter in Poland, and had, during winter wandering, flown to the western border of Romania. For three days the transmitter sent data from the same spot, near Dorobanți (Arad county), which suggested that the birds died or the transmitter had fallen of. (more…)

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Large number of Pygmy Owls observed in the Eastern Carpathians

TorpeIn the autumn period, beside other several ornithological surveys we started again the Pygmy Owl (Glaucidium passerinum) survey in order to gather information about the national population size, distribution and population density. Between 11th and 13th November 2014 members of the Milvus Group visited for census several places from Neamț and Suceava counties. (more…)

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Another adult female bear saved from poachers’ snare and collared

DSCF5760On the afternoon of September 24 (exactly one month after a similar intervention) we have managed to safely release yet another adult female bear from a snare set by poachers in our bear project’s hillside target area. We were announced by the local hunting association and we arrived on the scene a few hours later. The bear was caught very close to a village, on the bank of a small river. The rescue operation was carried out in cooperation with members of the local hunting association, while the veterinarian assistance was provided by Vets4Wild. (more…)

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