Specie nouă în fauna României: măcăleandrul albastru

Măcăleandrul albastru (Tarsiger cyanurus) este o specie care cuibărește în molidișurile bătrâne și nedisturbate din taiga siberiană, având populații mici, izolate și în Finlanda. Specie migratoare, petrece iarna în Sudestul Asiei și ajunge în Europa doar în mod accidental. În tabăra de inelare organizată de Grupul Milvus pe Grindul Chituc, în data de 17 octombrie am reușit să capturăm o femelă adultă de măcăleandrul albastru, prima semnalare a speciei în România.

Răspunde-i lui Ari Rajasärkkä Anulează răspunsul

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Pavel Simeonov

    Congratulations, it’s a fantastic sight! Could you please describe the habitat where you captured the bird in Chituc Ringing Camp (reeds, bushes…), so that we keep an eye at similar biotopes here in Bulgaria? You never know!

  2. Ari Rajasärkkä

    Congratulations from Finland!

    In the text above it said that Red-flanked Bluetail also has some small isolated populations in Eastern Finland. Actually the Finnish population is not at all isolated because the population in Western Russia is more or less continuous from Ural mountains to the border of Finland. That Russian taiga is very poorly known and only seldom some ornithologists are birdwatching there.

    The maximum population size in Finland is nowadays estimated to be even 6500 pairs. So the population is not anymore very small at least in peak years.

    Anyway your observation is extremely interesting and fine!

    Ari Rajasärkkä, Bluetail expert from Finland

    1. Daróczi J. Szilárd

      Hi Ari!

      Many thanks for your interesting information about the Finnish population of RFBT! It is good to know relevant and exact data from a local birdwatcher who is familiar with the species. This information I think is new for most of us, because as you know in most accessible publications, the RFBT is cited as rare and isolated breeder in East Finland. Even several distribution maps come to support this. Is good to hear, that in Europe the species have a very significant population.
      In the other hand, I completely agree with you regarding the knowledge about the distribution of most bird species in Russia.
      Best wishes and thanks again for this information!
