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Handing out the educational material about Ground Squirrel and Saker Falcon. (Photo:Fülöp Timea Etelca).

Project Launching Press Conference and Ground Squirrel Watch at Sanislău

Handing out the educational material about Ground Squirrel and Saker Falcon. (Photo:Fülöp Timea Etelca). The Environmental Protection Agency of Satu Mare County and „Milvus Group” Bird and Nature Protection Association…

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Conservation of the Lesser Spotted Eagle in Romania among the first 17 projects of 2014 European Commission LIFE program

P1100182 From all the LIFE projects finished in 2014, only 17 were selected as the Best LIFE-Nature projects, and two of them are from Romania. Congratulations to the Ursuslife project, selected among the 5 best projects! The “Conservation of the Aquila pomarina in Romania” was implemented between 2010 – 2014 by the Environmental Protection Agency – Sibiu, “Milvus Group” Bird and Nature Protection  Association and the Romanian Ornithological Society. (more…)

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Please Sign the NATURE ALERT Petition!

10421541_814984798520509_2605123384677445044_n“Milvus Group” Bird and Nature Protection Association calls for your action! The European Commission considers reviewing the most important laws regarding environmental protection: the Birds Directive and Habitats Directive, which stand at the foundation of the Natura 2000 network, the largest and most comprehensive natural network in Europe. It’s time to act together and support the NATURE ALERT movement! (more…)

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Green Week

Our story begins in the hours of a fog -filled Sunday morning. A beautiful valley with old houses, a deep silence, punctuated somehow by the peasantry daily life routine and…

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The African “Kestrel express” departed – the spring migration of satellite-tagged Red-footed and Amur Falcons has started

IMG_3733The birds tagged with satellite transmitters in Hungary, Italy, Kazakhstan, and Romania spent the winter in Angola, Namibia, Botswana and Zambia. At some points all of the tagged seven birds stayed in a 200-kiometre-diameter circle in Botswana, and then they spread out to an area of about 1.000.000 square kilometers (approximately four times larger territory than Romania). (more…)

Continue ReadingThe African “Kestrel express” departed – the spring migration of satellite-tagged Red-footed and Amur Falcons has started

White Stork webcam – 2015

Dragi prieteni, După numeroase teste, avem marea plăcere să vă anunțăm că proiectul camerei web de la Dumbrăvioara este funcțional! Astfel, iubitorii de păsări pot urmări online, 24 din 24 ore, într-un format HD,  cuibul de barză albă. Avem și o serie de noutăți pentru voi! Am schimbat locul de monitorizare, imaginile pe care le puteți observa sunt dintr-un cuib aflat la intrarea în localitatea Dumbrăvioara. Vezi pe hartă: (more…)

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Milvus scholarship 2015

“Milvus Group” Bird and Nature Protection Association is launching the Milvus scholarship dedicated for student researchers interested in biology, ecology or nature conservation for year 2015-2016 Our main objective is…

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Conservation of the European Roller (Coracias garrulus) in the Carpathian Basin (LIFE13/NAT/HU/000081)

angol logoThe aim of the project ˮConservation of the European Roller in the Carpathian Basin” (LIFE13/NAT/HU/000081) is to strengthen the European Roller population of the Carpathian Basin and to ensure the long term conservation status of the species in the area. (more…)

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In February, Milvus Group have been started the project “Building BlueGreen infrastructure in Central-Eastern Europe: from pilot projects to regional action”

The project is co-financed by Michael Otto Stiftung. In 2014 the local water management authority plans to execute a project to increase flood security along the lower parts of the…

Continue ReadingIn February, Milvus Group have been started the project “Building BlueGreen infrastructure in Central-Eastern Europe: from pilot projects to regional action”