Passionate about nature, student, master or doctoral student? The Milvus Scholarship can help you in your research.
What do we offer?
We support 3 or 4 projects of 4 500 RON, whether they are conducted individually or by a group.
However, potential financial support will only be given, to those topics that coincide with the Milvus Group’s overall goals! So, pay attention to issues related to endangered and / or protected species, protected areas and Natura 2000 sites, monitoring activities.
You can submit the project until?
Deadline for submitting projects is 19 March 2018 at,
HERE you can find the registration form!
To encourage you!
Last year, Alina Georgiana Cislariu with the help of a Milvus Scholarship managed to identify populations of Ligularia sibirica, a species protected by the Habitats Directive (Annexes II and IV), in 5 mesotrophic swamps in NW Romania, assessed the size of the populations and recorded the threatening factors.
Radac Alexandru conducted a study on the identification and distribution of allogeneic species of Bean weevil (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) and True bugs(Hemiptera: Heteroptera) alohtone on the territory of Romania. He identified 78 locations for 10 new alien species for Romania, as well as 5 new heteroptera species for Romanian fauna (Kleidocerys privignus, Paromius gracilis, Tuponia elegans, Tuponia hyppophaes, Tuponia macedonica).
Be the next MILVUS scholar!