Midwinter Waterbird Census – 2014

Kerekes I. 3This year “Milvus Group” Bird and Nature Protection Association, together with the Romanian Ornithological Society (SOR) organized again the annual census of wintering waterfowl (Midwinter Waterbird Census) in Romania. The main period of observations was between the 10th and 31st of January, but because it coincided with another, broader survey organized this winter, the last observation day was 4th of February. The International Waterbird Census (IWC) is coordinated by Wetlands International and it is organized every year in most countries of the world. (more…)

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Photo: Luca Andrei Dehelean

Wintering Long-eared Owl census (2013-2014)

Photo: Luca Andrei Dehelean
It is time to announce the beginning of the fifth winter census of the Long-eared Owl (Asio otus) in Romania! Monitoring the wintering places where these birds gather during the cold season is important for a few reasons – to guage the true abundance of birds wintering in these spots, to understand the distributing factors and to discover new places of gathering, of which we were not previously aware. (more…)

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Midwinter Waterbird Census – 2013

This year “Milvus Group” Bird and Nature Protection Association, together with the Romanian Ornithological Society (SOR) organized again the annual census of wintering waterfowl (Midwinter Waterbird Census) in Romania. The main period of observations was between the 10th and 20th of January, but because of a broader survey organized this winter, the last observation day was the 1st of February. The International Waterbird Census is coordinated by Wetlands International and it is organized every year in most countries of the world. (more…)

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The fourth wintering Long-eared Owl census (2012-2013)

The wintering Long-eared Owl (Asio otus) census continues also this year! The importance of this programme lies in the finding of many more wintering roosts to discover the most important places for the wintering owls. While in 2009, in the beginning of the programme we knew 20 wintering roosts, at the moment we know 51 of them! This programme is also important (more…)

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The third wintering Long-eared Owl census (2011-2012)

As in previous years, ”Milvus Group” Bird and Nature Protection Association organises the Long-eared Owl (Asio otus) census also this year. This program is running in other East and Central European countries with the same method: counting the owls in their winter roosts. This synchronous census is important to clarify some questions related to the species. With this method many unknown wintering places have been discovered in Romania. (more…)

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