More than 50.000 data in the OpenHerpMaps

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Less than 5 years after the launch of the OpenHerpMaps database, we have managed to collect 50,000 data points. As of 4 May 2019 our members have uploaded over 22,000 data points, mostly via the OpenBioMaps app, directly from the field, and if we add to this our older data points we reach a total of over 50,000. We are even happier as there is no other project of this scale in Romania.

Although the project continues to provide the greatest help to professionals in the field, as it was designed primarily for this purpose, we are also seeing an increase in the number of occasional observations and we are also getting uploads from other countries.

We aim to use the data to lay the foundations for nature conservation projects, such as identifying new protected areas, but we are also keen to contribute to the development of national and international species atlases. We are also interested in participating in various research projects.

We thank our members for their trust and data uploads. If you would like to participate in this project, please contact us at

Amphibians 1.895 27.980 1.177
Reptiles 200 14.445 4.894
Number of observations determined down to genus, species and subspecies level in OHM. The data used for the analysis were downloaded in October 2023.

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