Milvus Group organizes a bird feeder observation contest
The winner of the third event is Marton Attila, totally he observed 11 species on the bird feeder. The winner’s prize is a Milvus package. The winner of the second event is Marton Attila with an image with 7 species on the bird feeder. The winner’s prize is a Milvus t-shirt. The winner of the first event is Kósa Ferenc, with an image with 23 birds on the bird feeder. The winner’s prize is a Milvus t-shirt. A bird feeder’s guests can be followed live, through a camera on the Milvus Group homepage. Between 25 January and 15 March Milvus Group organizes a contest for the enthusiastic bird feeder observers, with three events: 1. Who observes the MOST BIRDS SIMOULTANEOUSLY on the bird feeder (deadline 5 February 2012, 12:00 PM) 2. Who observes and recognizes the MOST BIRD SPECIES SIMOULTANEOUSLY on the bird feeder (deadline 26 February 2012, 12:00 PM) 3. Who observes the MOST BIRD SPECIESon the bird feeder during the contest (deadline 15 March 2012, 12:00 PM) (more…)