The 3rd bi-monthly report of Milvus Rehabilitation Center (May-June 2012)

falche-butbutMay-June is the period when most birds from Romania are breeding. This is the period when the chicks of different breeding species fledge earlier and can fall into hands of benign people. It is best to leave these birds at the location where they were found, possibly in a place protected from predators (cats, dogs).

In May and June we received more calls than in the previous months. Totally 32 bird lovers from 12 localities asked for our help, in most cases about young birds which left their nest, this way seeming orphans. Most of them were released at the location of their finding. In this period 15 birds arrived to our center: 1 Sparrowhawk, 1 Common Buzzard, 2 Common Ravens, 1 White Stork, 6 Little Owls, 2 Long-Eared Owls, 2 Common Kestrels. (more…)

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Presenting the wildlife of Hârtibaciu – Târnava Mare – Olt area for teachers from the Natura 2000 sites

In 2012 the Environmental Education Working Group of Milvus Group organized information meetings entitled “The best educational methods to promote the Natura 2000 networkin the frame of SOP Environment project “For nature and local communities – the bases for a Natura 2000 integrated management in Hârtibaciu – Târnava Mare area” co-financed by the European Union Regional Fund. The project is implemented by WWF Romania in partnership with ADEPT Foundation, Mihai Eminescu Trust, Regional Environmental Protection Agency Sibiu and EcoTur Sibiu. The six presentations were held in four towns from Transylvania: Agnita, Dumbrăveni, Rupea and Sighișoara, in Romanian and Hungarian also. (more…)

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The death of a Saker Falcon, Maia

Maia - Photo: Luca Andrei Dehelean
On the 22.03.2012 a team from Romania made of 5 employees and volunteers of Milvus Group, working in the Saker Falcon conservation project LIFE09 NAT/HU/000384, travelled to Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. There we were kindly welcomed by two local ornithologist colleagues, Mr. Dražen Kotrošan and Mr. Iljan Dervovič, members of Ornitološko društvo “Naše ptice” (Ornithological Society „Our Birds“, an NGO from Bosnia  and Herzegovina, dedicated to the protection of birds) who helped us a lot during our visit. The aim of our trip was to recover the satellite transmitter, which was mounted last year in Romania on a juvenile female Saker, named Maia (VIDEO), and to answer our question if whether the transmitter has simply fallen from the back of the bird, or the bird died. In the latter case, we hoped to be able to identify the causes of death as well. (more…)

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The 2nd bi-monthly report of Milvus Rehabilitation Centre (March-April 2012)

After winter past and the snow melted, the birds which survived didn`t had problems in searching for food. In March-April we received fewer phone calls than in the previous period. A total of 15 bird lovers from 9 localities asked for our help to treat the weakened or injured birds found by them. The number of injured birds was much higher than the number of weakened ones. (more…)

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Milvus Group tried out the knowledge of children and young people about nature

With the occasion of the “Integrated School Week” the Environmental Education Working Group of Milvus Group organized different activities for children and young people. On the 3rd of April 2012 they organized an activity named “Detectives of Nature” on the Cornești Plateau (Tîrgu-Mureș) for 7 groups from kindergarten and elementary school. (more…)

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Stork observing game: who will observe first the stork on the webcam?

On 26 March 2012 at 15.39 PM Nagy Györgyné was the first who observed the stork on the nest from Dumbrăvioara! Congratulations! The web camera has been mounted on stork nest number 10 from Dumbrăvioara and the events can be followed live, day and night. Last year there was an interesting turn of events in the nest, and since many people watched it with great enthusiasm, this year we will reward those observing important events from the nest first. (more…)

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