Your donation could save a life

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With your help we can save lives, in our case, animal lives. Knowing this, Csanád Szövérfi, CEO of Chespa Transylvania, knew that the President of the Chespa Group, Joachim Siekiera, fully shares this mentality. For this reason, there was no doubt that they decided to support the Milvus Group’s Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre. For the past 3 years, the company has been making an annual donattion to help injured animals arriving at the centre. Now Csanád has experienced first-hand what it’s like to release a stork.

It’s a special case because it’s almost a miracle when a bird recovers from electrocution. The stork, found in Remeți commune, Maramureș County, was initially treated at the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Cluj-Napoca. From there it was transferred to our rehabilitation centre.

Helping to save an animal is a great feeling. You can feel it too, by donating to the recovery of injured wild animals. Ifeel free to click on the link:

We would also like to thank Dr. Geo Lupu and USAMV for their continued help in saving this bird, as well as all our sponsors and supporters.

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