Fremuth, the Cinereous vulture we told you about last month, needed the assistance of our colleagues after being found in Timis County in a precarious state.

The bird was transported to Târgu Mureș and was seen at the Vets4Wild Clinic. It was found to have two wounds, a superficial wound on the neck and a deeper one on the wing. After receiving medical care, being fed and hydrated, his condition improved.
Fremuth spent the night at our wildlife rehabilitation centre and this morning our colleagues left with him to the town of Stara Zagora in Bulgaria, where he will be taken over by our partners in the Bearded Vulture LIFE project. The eagle will be housed for further rehabilitation at the Wildlife Rescue Centre – Green Balkans.
We thank the following people for their cooperation and help: Cornel Cotorogea for interpreting and processing the data, Sain Nicolae, dr. Milca Petrovici and his students for their quick help, for capturing the bird and transporting it to the vet, Dr. Levente Sólyom from Vet Point Vest clinic in Arad, Dr. Levente Borka-Vitális from Vets4Wild for providing first aid, and the staff of Green Balkans Stara Zagora Bird Sanctuary for the ideal conditions for the rehabilitation of the bird.
The Bearded Vulture LIFE project aims, among other things, to strengthen the Cinereous vulture population in Bulgaria, and as a partner Milvus Group monitors the vultures equipped with satellite transmitters entering our country and intervenes in cases such as Fremuth’s.