White-tailed Eagle rehabilitation

SASIn autumn 2008, Milvus Group was contacted and informed by Eugen Petrescu (SOR Tulcea), then by the Environmental Guard Bacău about the captive White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) which was kept at the Onești ZOO, belong to the local town hall. The circumstances regarding this bird’s origin have been not clear, we knew only poor information that two years ago this specimen was brought here somewhere from Danube Delta area. The environmental authorities have proposed to ZOO the releasing of the bird. Eugen Petrescu was contacted to suggest them a location in the Danube Delta, where will be possible to release the bird. (more…)

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Biodiversity day

[singlepic id=287 w=250 h=200 float=left]On of 27th of June 2009 biologists with different specializations met at Iernut fishponds. The aim of the meeting was to gather new informations on biodiversity…

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[singlepic=59,320,240,,left]After the first snowfall we have started the snowtracking in Bistra Valley - in the area of wolfpack territory. During the snowfall on 22nd-23th November in the valley of Bistra…

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Owl ringings

  In period of 3 – 9 November members of the Milvus Group went on field to catch different owl species. The target areas were nearby Tg.-Mureș city. During the…

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