Monitored species: waterbirds
Period: 10th – 20th January
Experience level: recognition of waterbirds
Number of people needed for the census: 1 – 3 people
Equipment: mobile phone (smartphone type), binocular, scope min. 30x magnification
Location: Pre-marked, well-defined transects (e.g. along roads and/or rivers)
Short description of the methodology:
As part of the monitoring programme, volunteers carry out observations on predetermined lakes or river sections. In the case of large bodies of water or lakes, counts of birds on the water and on the shore will be made either by walking the contour or from several observation points; it is important to have visibility over the whole water surface. For smaller stretches of river, counts should be made by walking along the bank, stopping several times. Each individual observed should be identified by species and recorded, as the purpose of the census is to accurately assess the numbers of wintering waterbirds in our country.
As with other bird monitoring programmes, the data collected will be recorded using the OpenBioMaps mobile app using the dedicated form. Once synchronised, the data will be available for viewing in the OpenBirdMaps database. The data collected by the Milvus Group and the Romanian Ornithological Society (SOR) will be centralised by the end of winter and submitted to Wetlands International. This organisation is dedicated to the conservation, protection and restoration of wetlands and coordinates winter waterbird survey activities internationally.
Each year, we carry out detailed surveys in hundreds of wetlands, which gives us an accurate picture of the long-term population trends of each waterbird species.
By involving our volunteers and building on their expertise, we can increase the number of sites surveyed each year. This will greatly improve our understanding of the country’s wetlands.