New species for the Romanian fauna: Red-flanked bluetail

Red-flanked bluetail (Tarsiger cyanurus) breeds in undisturbed spruce forests of the Siberian taiga, but it also has some small isolated populations in Eastern Finland. It is a long-distance migrant, winters in SE Asia, thus its a very rare vagrant in Europe. On 17th October, an adult female was caprtured and ringed in the Milvus Group’s Chituc Ringing Camp which is the first confirmed record of the species in Romania. (more…)

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How can bear hair help to protect the species?

As one of the main threats to far-roaming brown bears is the degradation, fragmentation and loss of suitable habitats, one of the goals of the project ‘Brown bear conservation and research in a model area in Romania’ is to conserve the bears’ habitat. In the area where the project operates, the most significant threat in this sense in the nearby future will be posed by the planned Tg. Mures-Iasi-Ungheni highway. This development will cut through Romania’s Eastern Carpathians and adjacent foothills, all prime bear habitats. (more…)

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The week of outdoor adventures! The Milvus environmental education summer camp

Six days full of events, excursions and games. What was common in all the activities? Nature. 31 children of various ages attended the 11th environmental education Milvus camp, organized this year in Mitrești, Mureș County. The adventures, carefully organized, carried them through the nearby forests and hills, raised their curiosity upon crafts – visits to a blacksmith and a farmer; motivated them to aspire to more, by climbing courageously to 15 m to see a real Lesser Spotted Eagle nest (thank you SALVAMONT MUREȘ); reconnected them to nature by capturing and ringing several bird species. (more…)

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Help, Snake! – Popular posters for locals

Panic, fear, horror, myths … and the end is often the same, a crushed reptilian body. Why do we always get there? Simply, because of ignorance. We are not aware, that these beings are mostly harmless, occasionally only lizards without legs. Moreover, we do not know how to behave with venomous species. This series is targeting the communities of different localities and regions, in order to present and popularize these species, and to introduce a fair behavior towards these reptiles, both for the sake of their and our own safety. We hope the next encounters will be more peaceful! (more…)

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Remarkable results in the WESTERN PLAINS OF ROMANIA! The Saker Falcon numbers are increasing!

The nesting population of the Saker Falcon is growing in the Western Plain, as a result we managed to ring 45 chicks in 13 out of the 17 nests where sakers successfully bred in 2017. This is very good news for the species, which experienced in Romania a long period of decline! In 2011 there was only one known breeding pair, but last year there were already 12! (more…)

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Common position

Transparency in decision making about large carnivores, real and timely payment of damages, correct use of intervention quota, exclusively to solve problematic cases with bears, and the development and application…

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In the bear’s way!

Concrete parapets, roads without eco-ducts or underground passages, railways, fenced fields. All of these represent obstacles for wild animals that roam hundreds of kilometres in search of food, partners, wintering…

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