“Raining” with storks

Tragically but true, the medium voltage pillars in Romania seem to be a major threat for the migrating storks on their way to Africa. This is also the story of a bird equipped with a satellite transmitter from Poland, which lost its life on such a pillar in Cehul Silvaniei, lacking the scientific community of important data on the migratory routes of these birds, with otherwise very few natural predators. Another gloomy picture of the phenomenon is offered by the nine dead storks electrocuted on five dangerous pillars in Bihor County! And this are not singular cases. The Rehabilitation Centre has received in recent week’s dozens of calls regarding storks injured or electrocuted on such pillars in several regions of the country as Iasi, Bârlad, Suceava, Arad, Timiț, Satu Mare, Mureș, Oradea. (more…)

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It’s time to fly!

The greatest moment of satisfaction for us is the release of rehabilitated animals in their natural environment. Thus, after different periods spent in the Rehabilitation Centre for wild animals, 10 birds were released – seven storks (six birds spent the winter in the centre), two Common Buzzards and an Eurasian Scops Owl (which underwent an operation at the Vets4Wild). Interestingly, one of the released storks had been previously ringed in Germany. (more…)

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European Roller: Range Expansion

You know that feeling when you finally find the perfect home after a long search? There is shade, and there is sun, a food market nearby, playground for the children, and an immense hope that here you may raise them safe. *** We do not know what made one of our lead characters to venture up north and to try their luck there. Nonetheless, we can state with certainty that our character, a European Roller, took over the lodging that was installed especially for her in high hopes. Why such high hopes? Because we haven’t got any observational data on the European Roller in the Ier Valley for the last 30 years. (more…)

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A new family

The Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre received two Little Owls from Nazna, Mures County. The handiest solution was to place it in an artificial nest that already had three chicks. As it…

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The Great Bustard, on the threshold of conservation

Six years ago, we couldn’t have imagined making a partnership with the City Hall of Salonta (Bihor, Romania) for the conservation of the Great Bustard. Not to mention on the municipality’s own initiative! Nonetheless, this is exactly what happened. We are thrilled that the project „Conservation, protection and promotion of natural values in the Salonta-Békéscsaba cross-border area (ROHU-14) – The Nature Corner” has seen the light. At last, we have the opportunity to attend to this species just like we wished for many years ago and just like it deserves to. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the Great Bustard (Otis tarda) is a globally vulnerable species, already extinct in many European countries where it used to be native. In Romania, the species knew a massive decline starting with the 1920s. Thus, in the last few years, one could see great bustards in Romania only in the Western Plains. (more…)

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The LEHUA fruits

We have our first results! After the training events organized in February, which were dedicated to people involved in the education of young people through non formal methods, the first disseminators stared their own courses. The organised events were successful among the target groups, which is why we encourage them wholeheartedly to continue their work. (more…)

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We support young researchers through Milvus Scholarships!

Following an analysis and assessment according several criteria, our jury decided that the following projects will be funded in the following year: Slejiuc Ionela Marilena, first place with the “Study of the distribution of herpetofauna species in Timiș county”, Alina Georgiana Cislariu, second place with „Chorological and populational studies of Ligularia sibirica și Ligularia glauca glacial relics in Romanian Flora”  and Kiss Valentin Adrian, third place „Monitoring and protection through popularizing the avifauna of Câmpenești”. (more…)

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