Some people are under the mistaken impression that in autumn all the wild birds leave the country and only sparrows and crows remain. With a bit of luck, we can see a multitude of bird species in forests or even city parks.
The Community Foundation of Oradea (Fundația Comunitară Oradea) regularly organizes an activity called “School in the park. Birdwatching workshop” where the special guest was our colleague, ornithologist Nagy Attila.
Although it was only a few degrees, many families decided to spend their Saturday in Oradea’s Liberty Park, where they had a cup of tea and listened to a short presentation about birds and the work of our organization.

Armed with binoculars, telescopes and specially prepared bird food made of peanut butter and seeds, the children and their parents went on a walk to explore the birds in the park. We were lucky enough to see several species of birds.

If this exploratory walk wasn’t enough to get us warmed up, the Colombian band Los Iankovers, who were performing in the park at the time, added to the experience. So what was originally an hour of activity turned into two hours of exploration, laughter and fun.
The educational activity, to which we were invited, was organized by the Oradea Community Foundation and the EUROPE DIRECT Centre in partnership with Grund School.