Examination for ringing licese

vizsga 1On 21st November 2009 Milvus Group organized the second examination for persons who wanted to obtain ringing license for wild birds. The examination was held at the Museum of Natural Sciences in Targu Mures. A number of eight persons expressed their willingness to participate on the examination. A total of six participants had take the exam only for birds of prey and owls, and two people the general test which is focused on Passeriformes. (more…)

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Red-footed Falcons tagged with satellite transmitters

Photo: Luca Dehelean
On 15th July 2009 has come to us a satellite telemetry transmitter to be mounted on a Red-Footed Falcon (Falco vespertinus). The transmitter with only five grams is currently the smallest existing transmitter can be mounted on birds. In total purchased eight transmitters of which seven were mounted birds in Hungary and one in Romania. We believe that this event is a very important step in knowledge of the migration of this endangered species. (more…)

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Recently reabilited and released birds

kek vercse_DiamondIn the last month, the rehabilitation of birds from our center has seen a remarkable success. After the birds were kept under continuous observation for a sufficient period of time for total recovery, six birds has been released. The Common Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) was confiscated wit the help of Lucian Pârvulescu from an illegal owner, approximately one year ago. (more…)

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White-tailed Eagle rehabilitation

SASIn autumn 2008, Milvus Group was contacted and informed by Eugen Petrescu (SOR Tulcea), then by the Environmental Guard Bacău about the captive White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) which was kept at the Onești ZOO, belong to the local town hall. The circumstances regarding this bird’s origin have been not clear, we knew only poor information that two years ago this specimen was brought here somewhere from Danube Delta area. The environmental authorities have proposed to ZOO the releasing of the bird. Eugen Petrescu was contacted to suggest them a location in the Danube Delta, where will be possible to release the bird. (more…)

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