The gloomy weather did not affect the good mood and curiosity of the students and teachers who visited the Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre in Sânsimion, Mures County. After learning more about birds during an activity organized in their school, the future ecologists from Ion Vlasiu Technological High School, accompanied by teachers Szőcs Anikó and Tóth László, participated in an interactive lesson about birds. “I will never forget this trip” – said one of the students, after the teenagers had the chance to see a ringing and release a young European robin.

That wasn’t all. The students had the opportunity to visit the rehabilitation center’s ‘patients’, an emotional white-tailed eagle, several storks eagerly awaiting spring, two common buzzards and a curious western marsh harrier, and learn the steps taken each time an injured wild animal comes into the care of Milvus specialists.

Obviously the day wouldn’t have been complete without an outdoor picnic with homemade bread, Transylvanian specialties and lots of laughter. Before we left, several young people expressed their willingness to become our volunteers, which we are extremely happy about.
In fact, recently, another outdoor activity took place, this time with the students of “Petru Maior” College in Reghin. On the occasion of the Global Education Week, they actively participated in making materials to identify the birds in our area, becoming more responsible towards nature and making educational trails in recognition of the work of ornithologist Kohl István.