A pair at Dumbrăvioara!

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For several weeks we paid attention to what happens in the monitored nest. Slowly but surely, the nest is being built thanks to the tireless work of the two storks who have decided to make their “home” right in front of our eyes! These two storks have no colour rings. The nest was visited in the last period by several storks, one of which we wrote about in previous posts – https://milvus.ro/en/vizitatorul-secret/8864 – the stork from Glodeni. A surprise was  the visit of an “old friend” – the bird with the colur ring E655! Last year, this stork has spent quite some time in the video surveyed nest, you can read its story  here – https://milvus.ro/en/o-barza-cu-inel-colorat-poate-fi-vazuta-in-cuib-oare-va-incepe-sa-cuibareasca-aici/8304. Now it can be seen in another nest near ours (second pillar from the nest webcam). This summer we will try to present images from this nest too. We want to thank all stork-lovers whom have been writing constantly about their observations. Enjoy your watch! Stay with us, we will soon launch a new contest!

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