The stork and bees

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[singlepic id=595 w=250 h=200 float=left]In the last period more and more people are contacting the Milvus Group – Bird and Nature Protection Association, asking for help to protect the storks. Usually they are asking us to set up a rack for a nest, which is on an electrical pylon (e.g. Valea Nirajului, Ocna de Sus etc.). In some cases they are informing us about that some nests are in danger, sometimes even the coworkers from and electrical firm, without no reason, are removing them. In every situation we try to give our best and to solve the established, often unpleasant and weird so called problems.

In the end of April a person from Sântana contacted us, because he observed that the stork from the village is disturbed by bees or wasps, and it is possible that the female stork will abandon her nest. On 27th of April, we visited the place together with our colleague Daróczi Szilárd, to asses the situation. We were sure that the stork already laid her eggs, because every time, when she was „chased” by the bees, she returned to her nest.

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We need to thank for the help and support of the local people – whom proved in a very short time, that they are stork lovers. They had the idea to obtain a fire engine and with the help of an apiarist (beekeeper) to remove the hive. As the stork was on an electric pylon, it was necessary to contact the Electrica firm also.

Unfortunately the first arranged meeting (on 27th of April) the Electrica couldn’t send a team of specialist to the stork (along with a special car), but they gave us their word, that on 29th of April they will be available to help us. We want to thank for all the support given during the last years also by Electrica Mures firm.

On 29th of April, together with our colleague, Deák Attila, we visited the stork from Sântana, where we took some photos, and made a short movie about the stork and the bees. Soon arrived the team sent by the Electrica and the apiarist also, so we could start the rescue operation.


[youtube style=”text-align:center”]KeKefmmDnDE[/youtube]

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Because of the forthcoming rain, the bees have become very agitated, so the female stork couldn’t occupy her nest. The apiarist approaching the nest realized that not the bees are the ones who occupied the stork nests, but the nest in their migration way (from the beehive to the pollen collection area). Unfortunately we couldn’t do anything.

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Luckily after passing the rain, the bees calmed down, so the female stork could take place on her four laid eggs. The apiarist promised that in the close future he will move the beehives, so the bees will chose a different “route”, and then the female stork can breed without any problems. We hope that she will raise her chicks with lot of success.

This case in a unique one, so we are interested about your opinions: what can be done in these kinds of situations?

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