Red-footed Falcon conservation measures: counting roosting sites, tagging birds with satellite transmitters

IMG_3665Following their long summer preparing, Red-footed Falcons start their migration in early autumn. On their way to south they roost in flocks of varying numbers (from a few individuals to even more than a thousand) on groups of trees. As they are faithful to their roosting sites, they arrive to these places each autumn. Milvus Group has been conducting Red-footed Falcon counts on roosting sites for several years now. Every week from mid-August until the first week of October synchronous observations are made in the Romanian, Hungarian and Serbian Red-footed Falcon roosting sites. Similarly to past years, this year observations have been made in 6 sites in western Romania (here we would like to thank all those helping us in these observations!). (more…)

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Autumn raptor migration study in Dobrogea – 2010, 2011

[singlepic id=771 w=320 h=240 float=left]The study of migrating birds has always been among the primer activities of Milvus Group. In the past years we organised several camps with the aim of indentifying the migration period of different raptor species. In this consideration the camps organized in Măcin Mountains, during 2002-2007, were the most important.

Last year (2010) we proposed a new objective: to indentify the migration routes of raptors in Dobrogea. These new information will help us understand the possible negative effects of existing and planned wind farms on migrating raptors. (more…)

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Migration Map of the Satellite Tracked Romanian Lesser Spotted Eagles (Aquila pomarina)

[singlepic id=450 w=250 h=200 float=left]Within the frame of the project that views the conservation of the species, entitled “Conservation of Aquila pomarina in Romania” (LIFE08 NAT/RO/000501), members of “Milvus Group” Bird and Nature Protection Association managed to capture three adults and three juvenile Lesser Spotted Eagles in May and July, in one of the project’s target areas. The birds were equipped with satellite transmitters(Microwave 45 g Solar Argos/GPS PTT-100s) which will help track their movement through the Argos system for minimum one year, so we will receive important information about their home range, habitat use,  and beginning with autumn also about their migration routes and wintering sites. The birds received other markings as well, such as aluminum and color rings (with code numbers) and wing feather paintings.

To view their movement access this page.


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