Scientific publications

Scientific publications 2021 Daróczi, J. Sz. 2021. Vándorsólyom (Falco peregrinus) egerészölyvre (Buteo buteo) irányuló támadása. Heliaca 17: 150–151 Daróczi, J. Sz., Ölvedi, Sz. Zs., Zeitz, R. 2021. Egerészölyv (Buteo buteo)…

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Saker Falcon

The Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug) is a bird of prey threatened with extinction and strictly protected. About 100 years ago, the species was present all across Romania - except for…

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Do they really need saving?

From May to August, people tend to save nestlings or juvenile birds that appear to be abandoned. CAREFUL! Some of them are semi-nidifugous, that means they leave the nest before…

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Our ringing activity in 2019

Scientific name English name Species conservation, education and rehabilitation programmes Chituc Ringing Camp Total Accipiter nisus Eurasian Sparrowhawk 5 5 10 Acrocephalus agricola Paddyfield Warbler 841 841 Acrocephalus arundinaceus Great…

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Our ringing activity in 2018

Our ringers marked a total of 19285 birds in 2018. A significant ammount (93%) of the birds belonging to 146 species were ringed at the ringing camp restarted after 17…

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It’s time to fly!

The greatest moment of satisfaction for us is the release of rehabilitated animals in their natural environment. Thus, after different periods spent in the Rehabilitation Centre for wild animals, 10…

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