Monitored species: common birds

Period: 2 visits: 15 April – 15 May and 16 May – 15 June

Experience level: general knowledge of bird species

Number of people needed for the census: 1 person

Equipment: mobile phone (smartphone type), binocular

Location: 25 predetermined points in a 2x2km square

Short description of the methodology

Common Bird Monitoring is a general long-term monitoring programme for common bird species. These programmes together form the Pan-European Common Bird Monitoring, coordinated by the European Bird Census Council (EBCC), whose main objective is to monitor changes in common bird populations across the continent.

The census must take place from sunrise to 10am. Of the 25 observation points, 10 points are evaluated, selected as standard by the programme coordinator. For each observation point, birds must be actively searched for 5 minutes. Observations must be recorded at the exact location where they were observed, using a field notebook or smartphone.

Each year, observations must be carried out twice, with at least 14 days between the two evaluations. This is necessary because resident and migratory species begin to occupy their territories and start nesting at different times. Repetition will give a more accurate picture of the bird species present in the area.

More information can be found at


2021 (in Romanian)