The indicators describing the evolution of the European common bird populations have been updated.
The results, published on the PanEuropean Common Bird Monitoring Schemes web page, compile data from 30 European countries and are based on 42 years of data up to 2022. For Romania, data from the Common Bird Monitoring Scheme was used. This national monitoring programme is coordinated by the Romanian Ornithological Society in partnership with the Milvus Group.
Unfortunately, the indicators based on monitoring data for 168 species continues to show a sad picture, particularly for farmland bird species. Since the 1980s, the rate of decline has reached 61%. Although most of the species analysed are in moderate decline, the trend is worrying, as it affects common and abundant species such as the Eurasian skylark, Yellowhammer and Eurasian tree sparrow.

The number of birds characteristic of woodland habitats is also declining by 8%. Fortunately, however, there are some species whose populations are stable or slightly increasing.
Detailed data broken down by species, regions and habitats can be found on the PECBMS website.
As in other European countries, data collection in Romania is mainly carried out by trained volunteer birdwatchers. We are very grateful for their work!