Cleaned and repaired nest boxes await the red-footed falcons

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Checking, repairing and replacing artificial nests for red-footed falcons continued in May. After visiting the artificial nests in Bihor county in April, preparing them to provide suitable nesting conditions for falcons, it was now time to check the boxes mounted at the artificial colony in Sânmărtin, Arad County. 

We spent the Easter holidays continuing this crucial work for the conservation of the Red-footed Falcon, a species that does not build its own nest but prefers to raise its chicks in nests build by other species.

Of the 98 artificial nests, 18 have disappeared or fallen down. We managed to replace 9 such nest boxes and repaired 25 damaged boxes.

Many of these nests, 60 to be precise, have already been occupied by other species. In 41 of the nesting boxes there were already nesting western jackdaws, in 14 common kestrels, in 4 long-eared owls and in one red-footed falcons

As this species has recently returned to the country after spending the winter in Africa, we hope that the 18 nests still unoccupied will become home to this species.

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