We’re counting the days until we can see the winning photos of this year’s International Milvus Nature Photography Contest for the first time, on 7 June at 11:30 AM. The exhibition will take place on the alley in front of Brasov City Hall and is part of the Lynx Festival, which starts tomorrow.

As well as being able to see the sensational photographs that our prestigious jury has selected, here are a few other reasons why Lynx Festival it worth visiting:
- outstanding documentary films such as Wolf (Netherlands, 2022), Songs of Earth (Norway, 2023), Wild Horses – a story from Puszta (Hungary, 2021) and so much more;
- discussions with prominent guests: filmmakers, producers, nature activists;
- masterclass “Making of Wild Transylvania;
- Milvus Photocontest winners award ceremony in the Astra Cinema, Saturday, 08 June, 6 PM;
- photo exhibitions of our friends from FORONA (Romanian Nature Photographers Association);
- activities for children organised by us, Milvus Group;
- Wild Romania quiz;
- robotics workshop…and much more.

Here you can find the full programme of the festival, which will take place between 4 to 9 June. See you there.