Dumbrăvioara online again

Dear friends of the storks, in the last few days we encountered technical problems with the live transmission from the Dumbrăvioara stork nest. We apologize, but these problems are sometimes…

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New season at Dumbrăvioara!

Last year, we were almost 35 000 people whom watched, avidly, to what is happening on the screens of our computers, laptops or phones. The events of the Dumbrăvioara stork…

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People and birds

Graceful aerial dances! Gulls at the landfill station of Oradea. Despite the background this kind of beautiful performance would impress anyone. These are the gulls from the rubbish dump of…

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A pair at Dumbrăvioara!

For several weeks we paid attention to what happens in the monitored nest. Slowly but surely, the nest is being built thanks to the tireless work of the two storks…

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