The second fieldwork period of the Wintering Birds of Prey Monitoring Programme was between 9.-18February. A total of 32 persons has participated in the programme, covering 26 sections. 697 raptorindividuals has been observed belonging to 12 species. The Common Buzzard was the most frequently observed species (572 individuals), followed by the Kestrel, the Sparrowhawk and the Hen Harrier. The number of observed Merlins and Rogh-legged buzzards has been very low, just like in the first time. There were no important changes in numbers and species composition between the two periods.
Transylvania was the most surveyed area again (16 sections), followed by Moldova (5 sections), Muntenia (2 sections), Dobrogea (2 sections) and Banat (1 section). In Transylvania and Banat generally many raptors have been observed, mostly Common Buzzards. In Muntenia also the Common Buzzard dominated. In the Danube Delta (Dobrogea) the White-tailed Eagle, the Marsh Harrier and the Common Buzzard were the most abundant species and it is worth mentioning the presence of 5 Greater-spotted Eagles in one of the sections. Raptor numbers in Moldova were just slightly larger, than in the previous observation period.
We would like to thank each participant for their help, hoping that they will take part in the programme also in the following years.