The CITES Working Group of CEEWEB focuses on the enhancement of the implementation of the CITES in Central and Eastern Europe and pays special attention to the implementation of the provisions of the EU Wildlife Trade Regulation [Regulation (EC) 338/97] which goes beyond CITES in several aspects. The Working Group organized a workshop about the monitoring of the illegal wildlife trade between 25th November and 1st December 2008, in Bielowieza, Poland. Several countries were participating – Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Ukraine. From Romania two Milvus members were present.
The workshop aim was to determine the common methodology for monitoring the trade in wildlife on the internet. All participating countries committed themselves to monitor the trade according to the common methodology. A report about the results will be published at the end of 2009 and used as a lobby document at the next COP in early 2010.