The travelling Golden Eagle – 1700 kilometres in just a few months

jelados szirtiFor the first time in Romania, the Milvus Group is monitoring the movement of Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) by using GPS transmitters. Three eagles were fitted with such transmitters during the last year, in the Trascău Mountains area and in the Apuseni Natural Park.  One bird managed to take off the device before leaving the nest, but the other eagles have provided relevant data, about the behaviour of these birds in the first months of life. (more…)

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Chituc 2016 is starting!

905539_632614670174618_7849978289509197035_oThe results of previous years: 25 000 birds ringed.

The bird ringing camp organized on the Chituc sandbank in previous years (2014 and 2015) proved to be a success, a total of 24 996 birds were banded by ringers from Romania, Hungary and Israel. Due to the results of the previous years, the migration dynamics of 15 common migratory species are slowly taking shape. (more…)

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28 bats saved

Yesterday, on a street in Tîrgu Mureș a plane tree was cut and 28 Noctule Bats (Nyctalus noctula) lost their habitat. Thanks to the kindergarten’ s teachers in the nearby,…

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