Our mission

Climate change is undoubtedly one of the most serious global challenges today, which will increasingly impact the younger generation in the coming decades, probably disrupting the economic and social systems in the future. However, climate change does not only impact us, humans, but all other species and ecosystems on the planet, interacting with the various ecosystem services, like the provision of water, food, regulating pests and diseases or provision of medicines. These interlinkages also impact the mitigation and adaptation efforts to climate change, although this aspect is still insufficiently addressed today (e.g. the protective role of forests in heavy rainfall, agrobiodiversity in adapting to changing climate, etc.). As a result of these interlinkages, climate change is one of the main reasons behind biodiversity loss and ecosystem decline on one hand, and ecosystem decline is also an aggravating factor behind climate change on the other hand.

Thus the consortium partners have come together taking a broad approach on how climate change impacts all life on Earth, in Europe and in the South, and vice versa, how our choices affect the ecosystems, in order to capitalize on the strong synergies in an emotional, life-centred communication campaign.

The campaign seeks to shed light on the impact and responsibility of the EU in the world and the critical role that EU institutions, programs and policies play in shaping development in countries of the South. EU policies, not only those targeted on climate change and the environment, but also those regarding trade, economy, agriculture and finances impact and shape the developing world: good policy-making contributes to the EU’s role as a global norm-setter, while flawed policies may cause damage well beyond EU borders. At the same time, EU citizens through consumption and life-style choices have an influence on production in the global South and the well-being of its citizens. Consortium partners will seek to bring these crucial interactions to the spotlight, foster critical thinking among youth and highlight how well-implemented EU development programs, climate change actions and individual changes can make a positive and forward-looking change in the world.

The project

TitleGame on! Don’t let climate change end the game!
Funded by: Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme
Length: 4 years (date of launch: november 2019)
Budget: 5.346.865 euro
Partners: The project is based on an international partnership, aim to draw attention to the problems of global warming.
CEEweb for Biodiversity
Christliche Initiative Romero e.V. 
BROZ – Regional Association for Nature Conservation and Sustainable Development
Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation
National Society of Conservationists (NSC, FoE Hungary, MTVSZ)
Lithuanian Fund for Nature
Latvian Fund for Nature
Na Mysli
PersonaR Ltd- r

Objective: European youth takes more actions against climate change based on their increased understanding about its impacts on people’s lives and on ecosystems in Europe and the South.

Main activities:

Awareness Raising Campaign:

  • Direct communication targeting the youth
  • Adding another layer to a museum exhibition
  • International Geoquest game
  • Education material (development, translation, teacher workshops for dissemination)
  • Pedagogue courses
  • Online course on climate change

Involving multipliers:

  • Involving youth ambassadors
  • Courses for journalists
  • Fact-finding missions in countries in the South

Activating youth for individual and collective actions:

  • Greening concerts/festivals
  • Wilderness camps
  • Addressing decision makers

Follow us on: Facebook, Instagram

This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of ”Milvus Group” Association and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.