Milvus Scholarship

Milvus Group is launching the Milvus scholarship dedicated for student researchers interested in biology, ecology or nature conservation. Our main objective is to help students to implement original research or…

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Life Nature Project Start-up Meeting

In the frame of our Red-footed Falcon conservation program and according to the involvement of the Milvus Group in the LIFE Nature project named Conservation of Falco vespertinus in the Pannonian Region , two members of our organization were invited to the Project Start-up Meeting, which took place at the Körösvölgy Visitor Center of the Körös-Maros National Parc Directorate, at Szarvas (Hungary) on 1 st of December. The meeting has begun with the presentation of the target species’ situation both in Hungary and Romania (presented by Mr. Péter Palatitz – MME/BirdLife Hungary, respectively by the Milvus Group’s specialists), recent information about the distribution of breeding pairs in 2005 and those about the gathering places used by Red-falcons as roosting sites in the period before migration being also included. Once Mr. Péter Bánfi, as the Manager of this project was introducing the main aspects of the project itself, the Start-up meeting of the Steering Committee took place, every partner organization nominating a candidate to this committee. The event was closed by a meeting of the scientific committee, by which the steps of elaboration of the future database was also discussed. (more…)

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Contract with the DDNIRD

On 14th of November the Milvus Group's representatives signed a contract with the Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development (DDNIRD) regarding the development of the pSPA (proposed Special Protected Areas)…

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European Bat Night

On the 1st of October the Milvus Groups Mammal Conservation Working Group in cooperation with the Zoo of Targu Mures organized the European night for bats. The members installed information boards and held a presentation about the fascinating world of bats. On the second part of the event the participating people observed bats with the help of ultrasound detectors on the Mures rivers bank. (more…)

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Fladry to protect sheep against wolves

In the frame of the project entitled “Carnivores and humans: improving the human-wolf relationship in the Calimani and Gurghiului Mountains ”, the Mammal Conservation Workgroup set up a fladry around a sheep-camp located at the foothills of Gurghiu Mountains . The method was originally used in Eastern Europe and in Russia during wolf hunts. It consists of bright colored (red or orange) strips – made of some kind of textile – that are attached to a string. The strips are 10 cm (4 inches) wide and 50 cm (20 inches) long and the fladry is the most efficient if the strips are set 50 cm apart, with their lower ends just touching the ground. The method is used only against wolves . They do not cross this barrier, otherwise totally inefficient when used against other species (for example bears, deer or wild boars). This year, ten sheep were killed by wolves at the above mentioned sheep-camp. Through continuous monitoring we will be able to test the efficiency of this simple method. The project is financially supported by the Romanian Environmental Partnership Foundation from Miercurea Ciuc. (more…)

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