Have you already seen your first Barn Swallow this year?

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The phenological graphs are informing us to expect the return of first Barn Swallows to Europe in the upcoming days. The data collected from complete lists, which are then used to create species phenological graphs, tell us that usually within the last days of February and first days of March, Barn Swallows slowly start to appear in the SE of Europe. These well-known farmland birds tend to bring us the first signs of spring on their wings and are surely welcomed in the eyes of every nature observer.

Photo: Attila Nagy

Therefore, if you plan to go outside and observe birds, keep your eyes and ears open for the first migrant birds coming back, and do not forget to upload your observations and make a complete list in the OpenBirdMaps database, since with this you can directly contribute to the knowledge on phenological patterns of all bird species that you encounter! 

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