These pictures speak for themselves. You can see just some of the cases we have witnessed, where these materials have led to the birds’ demise.
We see many instances where polypropylene baling twine, used to tie hay bales, is carelessly left in the wild. This is an extremely durable material that decomposes over hundreds of years. By the time it contaminates soil, air and water, it poses a real danger to wild animals. Birds’ feet can become entangled in these strings and it is virtually impossible to free themselves. Moreover, the material can block blood circulation in the legs, causing limb loss or even death.
Ideally, biodegradable materials should be used to bind the bales, but if this is not possible, it would be important to be careful not to leave such materials in the wild. This is an appeal not only to farmers, and fishermen (fishing line can cause just as much damage), but also to all those who love and take nature walks to collect these materials that are so dangerous for wildlife.