OpenBirdMaps, powered by the Milvus Group, among the contributors to the latest version of EuroBirdPortal

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EuroBirdPortal, launched by the European Bird Census Council, is a repository of bird data that unifies the data of 81 partner institutions from 29 European countries. Its main purpose is to present the distribution of bird species and the temporal variation (seasonal, annual) of distribution on European level. EuroBirdPortal is an excellent example of citizen science, which shows the huge potential in using the data provided by hundreds of volunteer and professional nature lovers across the continent to deliver new, unmatched results.

OpenBirdMaps, a database powered by Milvus Group, with the aim of collecting information on bird distribution in Romania and providing access to it for non-commercial use, joined the initiative in 2017, providing hundreds of thousands of data from 2010 -2016. The observations were collected by the Milvus team, as well as volunteers and other organizations who decided to contribute to OpenBirdMaps. Thank you!

The new version of EuroBirdPortal released today is enhanced with 40 million new records collected primarily in 2016. It displays animated maps for 105 bird species showing their weekly distribution. The maps can also be consulted over a 7-year retrospective! We invite you to browse the largest and most dynamic flow of data collected from people on biodiversity in Europe:! OpenBirdMaps will continue to send data to EuroBirdPortal in the future. If you wish to become a contributor, we invite you to upload as many bird observations as frequently as possible! Given the weekly dynamics presented on the maps in EuroBirdPortal, it’s worth to upload a species every week even from the same place. Your data will be used!

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